Author Archives: admin

School Is Hard Enough… But To Study AND Work In Canada?

The decision to find a job while in school is something that should not be taken lightly. Students who take on the added responsibility of having a part-time job, usually do so for financial reasons. It could be that you want to earn extra pocket money for nights out or use it for tuition or…

Figuring Out How To Study In Canada Is Easier Than You Think

The factors that help decide which University you would like to attend are the same whether you would like to stay in your home country or travel abroad for University; everything is just more amplified and there are a few more steps. There are 5 factors that should be weighed: location, reputation, programs, future aspirations…

Why International Students should consider Online Degrees in Canada

Online education offers a variety of options and flexibility; from Athabasca University, a strictly online college, to the University of Toronto which is one of leading institutions of higher education in the world. What both these establishments have in common is that they both offer the opportunity to obtain a degree by distance education. Canadians…